What PARC Retirement Living is doing to keep residents and the community safe
in COVID - 19 NewsWritten by PARC Retirement Living
PARC is treating the current COVID – 19 (coronavirus) outbreak very seriously, given the severe health consequences this virus would have on our residents. We evaluate and reassess our health and safety protocols daily after the Federal and Provincial Public Health Officers provide their updates. We’re prepared to take well thought out and balanced measures to protect our residents and employees in response to these updates.
Here is what PARC Retirement Living is doing but not limited to
- Educate staff and residents on recognizing symptoms and effective prevention strategies
- Review inventory Personal Protective Equipment and virucide supplies; order as needed
- Implement pre-outbreak sanitation procedures in high-traffic areas, elevators, bathrooms etc.
As we continue to monitor the situation closely, PARC is reviewing and changing its health and safety protocols to protect the health and safety of our residents, employees, suppliers, service providers and their families. In an attempt to “flatten the curve” and protect our residents, we have implemented No Non-Essential Visits. Non-essential visits are those that do not pertain to a resident’s health and well-being. All outside visitors, including resident family members and friends, will be asked to refrain from visiting until further notice.
We encourage residents and family members to maintain contact by phone, via email and other connected devices.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. Let’s work together to keep this dangerous and harmful virus out of our communities and keep everyone safe.